
Building a cycling race management app from scratchJune 02, 2019

A full-stack CRUD app in a weekend

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Learning programming through hacking AOLMay 08, 2019

A journey through hazy middle school memories of discovering the joy of code.

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Working remote: one year onMay 06, 2019

Lessons learned from a year of hacking at home.

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Diversity is crucial to a software company's continued successOctober 03, 2018

The importance of finding employees from nontraditional work backgrounds.

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First Open Source Contribution!March 10, 2018

... into the bowels of an ancient Python ORM

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Books: Clean Code, Chapters 13-17January 27, 2018

Chapter 13: Concurrency This is a topic I know nothing about in the practical sense and am slightly afraid of it. I can think pretty well in the synchronous universe but going async bends my brain as I don't have the subject knowledge to comprehend it. Let's learn! Plenty of pitfalls in concurrency. To write a multithreaded program well, you must have the basics of SOLID and limit the scope of…

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Books: Clean Code, Chapters 9-12January 21, 2018

Chapter 9: Unit Tests The essentials of TDD: First Law: You may not write production code until you have written a failing unit test. Second Law: You may not write more of a unit test than is sufficient to fail, and not compiling is failing. Third Law: You may not write more production code than is sufficient to pass the currently failing test. The problem is that a massive amount of unit…

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Books: Clean Code, Chapters 5-8January 15, 2018

Chapter 5: Formatting Communicating is the professional developer's first order of business. Profile of a product that is approximately 50k lines, comprised entirely of <200-500 line files. Details should go from high-level at the top of the file to most detailed at the bottom of the file. Think of it like a newspaper article, with highlights and overview at the start and details at the end. But…

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Books: Clean Code, Chapters 1-4January 14, 2018

Clean Code After borrowing Doug Morgan 's copy of Clean Code for approximately 8 months, I figured today was a good day to seriously crack it open and read it. In the process of reading it, I will be taking some notes and making highlights. I figured here is as good a place as any to keep those. Chapter 1: Clean Code " Managers may defend the schedule and requirements with passion; but that's…

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CodeMash 2018 retrospectiveJanuary 13, 2018

What is CodeMash? CodeMash is a software developer conference in Sandusky, OH, featuring 4 days of lectures and plenty of opportunities to learn and network. Prep work In planning for 2018, looking at their schedule, debating how to spend my time, I remembered from 2017 that their scheduling app was pretty bad. I decided that this year I would take what I've learned in React over the past year…

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My first conference talkAugust 02, 2017

From Lumberjack to Python Developer - PyOhio 2017

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